Identifikasi Gulma Di Lahan Pertanian Padi (Oryza sativa L.) Pasang Surut di Desa Pegayut Kecamatan Pemulutan Kabupaten Ogan Ilir Dan Sumbang Sihnya Pada Pokok Bahasan Keanekarangaman Hayati Kelas X Di MA/SMA.[SKRIPSI]

HARYANTO, DEDI (2017) Identifikasi Gulma Di Lahan Pertanian Padi (Oryza sativa L.) Pasang Surut di Desa Pegayut Kecamatan Pemulutan Kabupaten Ogan Ilir Dan Sumbang Sihnya Pada Pokok Bahasan Keanekarangaman Hayati Kelas X Di MA/SMA.[SKRIPSI]. Diploma thesis, UIN RADEN FATAH PALEMBANG.

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Weed is a plant that is not desired by the farmers, because the plant is growing out of place and hurt farmers in rice paddies rural districts Pegayut Pemulutan Ogan Ilir regency. Plant pests structure is similar to the structure of the surrounding rice plants. This makes many farmers deceived by plant pests usually participate developed among clumps of rice. This research is descriptive qualitative approach, which aims to make the description, picture or painting in a systematic, factual and accurate information on the facts, nature and the relationship between the phenomenon investigated. Measuring with the meter or rope marked, across the study area in the pieces meter made into 12 plots, 4 plots the edge 4 plots again in the middle and four plots again at the edges, with an area of each of each plot 5m x 5m. Sampling weeds do one decision in each plot. The data obtained will be analyzed in a descriptive and qualitative if displayed in tabular form and photos. Plant composition pest found that 10 species of 8 families are families Juncaceae with Effus Juncus species (L.) (Mendong), family Cyperaceae with pest plant species Cyperus difformis (L.) (Teki), and Scirpus grossus linne (Mendong) family Poaceace with plant species pest Axonopus compressus (sw.) Beauv (jukut), family Pontederiaceace with plant pests species Monochoria vaginalis (burm.F.) (Eceng padi), family Asteraceae with plant pests species Mikania micrantha Kunth (Merdeka), family Mimosaceae with plant pests species Mimosa pudica L (Putri Malu), family Limnocharitaceae with species of plant pests Limnocharis flava (L.) (Genjer), family Onagraceae with plant pests species Ludwigia octovalvis (Jacq) Raven (Cecabean). Weeds most intrusive in the village community Pegayut Pemulutan Ogan Ilir subdistrict ie weeds of the species Cyperus difformis (L.) (Teki), and Scirpus Grossus linne (Mendong). Plant Herbarium bullies in the form of a dry curing is used as Instructional Media.

Item Type: Thesis (Diploma)
Subjects: ?? L1 ??
Depositing User: UPT Perpustakaan Pusat
Date Deposited: 20 Nov 2017 07:49
Last Modified: 20 Nov 2017 07:49

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