Peace Education In Curriculum Design of MAdrasah Aliyah (MA) In The Society Era 5.0 (PROCEEDING: THE 1 st INTERNASIONAL SEMINAR ON ISLAMIC EDUCATION AND PEACE)

Ahmad, Zainuri (2021) Peace Education In Curriculum Design of MAdrasah Aliyah (MA) In The Society Era 5.0 (PROCEEDING: THE 1 st INTERNASIONAL SEMINAR ON ISLAMIC EDUCATION AND PEACE). PROCEEDING. pp. 23-28.

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The emergence of the era of society 5.0 has become a challenge for the existence of MA. It is not enough for MA students to only be provided with religious education materials, but they need to have the competencies needed in this era of society 5.0, including; ability to solve complex problems, critical thinking, and creativity or often referred to as higher-order thinking (HOTS: Higher Order Thinking Skills). This also changes the paradigm of learning methods by applying project-based learning, discovery learning, inquiry learning, or problem-based learning models. To instill peace education in MA students in an era of society that is more oriented towards the Internet of Things (IoT), Artificial Intelligence (AI), and robotics, in addition to equipping students with problem solving, critical, analytical, and creative thinking. Thus, the curriculum design at MA needs to synergize between the demands of the competence era of society 5.0 which is based on an attitude of tolerance (tasamuh), respecting and understanding differences and cooperation between religious adherents. Keywords: Peace Education, Madrasah Aliyah, Curriculum Design, and Era Society 5.0.

Item Type: Article
Subjects: 300 Ilmu sosial, Sosiologi dan Antropologi > 370 Pendidikan > Kurikulum
Depositing User: PPS Pasca Sarjana
Date Deposited: 10 Mar 2022 05:11
Last Modified: 10 Mar 2022 05:11

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