Ideologi Dalam Desain Komunikasi Visual (Analisis Semiotik Gambar Calon Presiden 2009 di Halaman Depan Koran Tempo)

Aprianti, Reza (2014) Ideologi Dalam Desain Komunikasi Visual (Analisis Semiotik Gambar Calon Presiden 2009 di Halaman Depan Koran Tempo). Jurnal Dakwah: Media Dakwah dan Komunkasi Islam, XV (2). pp. 357-382. ISSN 1411-5905 (In Press)


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Ideology would have power if it can be symbolized and communicated. Ideology has full of interest, including media’s own that makes the media can be not neutral. Based on this James Lull’s idea, this research was done by using the picture of 2009 Indonesian President Candidates on the headline of Koran Tempo as research object. The goal of this research is to explain how an ideology can play in visual communication design system (figure) without using oral speech. In fact, by using semiotic analysis as a main tool, this case can be revealed. The research object was divided into six units of analysis to simplify, i.e. theme, verbal text, visualization, composition, point of view, and modality. Finally, from the research result can be concluded that transformation process of interest ideology, both from internal and external side of Koran Tempo when reported 2009 Indonesian President Candidates, also occurs in the form of visual communication designed to be looks as neutral as possible to entrance people’s think without compulsion.

Item Type: Article
Uncontrolled Keywords: Media Ideology, Visual Communication Design.
Subjects: 300 Ilmu sosial, Sosiologi dan Antropologi > 300 Ilmu Sosial (Umum)
Divisions: ?? ejournal ??
Depositing User: H kiki Mikail
Date Deposited: 07 Jan 2016 03:24
Last Modified: 30 Jul 2021 13:35

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