English For Beginner

Annisa Astrid, Nisa (2019) English For Beginner. Noer Fikri, PALEMBANG.

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This book is written in order to introduce the English skills to beginners. This book presents 16 chapters which covers basic skills in English. In the first six chapters, the book introduces on how to do basic communication skills started from self-introduction, introducing others, performing basic conversation by combining introduction self and other, asking someone’s name spelling, how to initiate and elaborate topics for conversation and how to end the conversation. In the next chapters, the book introduces on the skills of comprehending a reading text about family relationship, describing things in the house and describing daily activities. Besides, in the other chapters, the book also introduces the students to write paragraph and to write the leaflet. Besides, this book also introduces some vocabularies related to daily life. Finally, the book introduces on how to express likes and dislikes, preferences and describing someone. It is expected that by learning by using the book, it is much easier for beginners to have basic communication skills in English orally and in written form.

Item Type: Book
Subjects: 400 Bahasa > Bahasa Inggris
Depositing User: Unnamed user with email uin@radenfatah.ac.id
Date Deposited: 04 Nov 2019 04:33
Last Modified: 27 Apr 2022 02:06
URI: http://repository.radenfatah.ac.id/id/eprint/4846

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