The Continuity and the Culture Change of Pesantren in South Sumatra

Munir, Munir (2020) The Continuity and the Culture Change of Pesantren in South Sumatra. Ta’dib: Journal of Islamic Education, Vol.21 (No. 1). pp. 87-100. ISSN 1410 – 6973

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Abstract This article entitled culture of pesantren (madrasah boarding schools) in South Sumatra. This article is the result of research in Pesantren Nurul Islam Ogan Ilir South Sumatra. It is based on the fact that many pesantren graduation create academicians from the Kiayi or Ulama. Therefore, this paper describe the characteristics of the culture of madrasah schools from anthropology-sociology aspects of education, with a phenomenological approach to research subjects are madrasah chairman, board of teachers, students and community supporters. The data collection techniques used documentation study, observation and in-depth interviews, and analysis of data using qualitative descriptive, with triangulation and contrasting techniques. Applying local knowledge systems in boarding school curriculum and integrated with Madrasah boarding school curriculum. Orientation discipline tends towards positive law than the laws of Personality Syara’. Clothing the students follow a uniform generally used in madrasah. For students wear clothes instead of the veil of windings. Artistic activities undertaken include: litany, muhad Barzanji, Tilawah al-Qur’an, calligraphy, and drum band

Item Type: Article
Subjects: ?? BL ??
Depositing User: PPS Pasca Sarjana
Date Deposited: 13 Jan 2020 09:22
Last Modified: 13 Jan 2020 09:22

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