Ahmad, Zainuri (2018) Dr. Ahmad Zainuri, M.Pd.I. Turnitin Prosiding "MULTICULTURAL EDUCATION PERENNIAL PHILOSOPHY PERSPECTIVE". -.


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This paper aims to describe multicultural education in a perennial philosophy perspective. Butbecause of the breadth of discussion, this paper is limited to one dimension of multicultural education, which is related to religious pluralism in Indonesia. Because socio-religiously, Indonesian society is a pluralistic society on religious aspects and almost all major world religions exist in this country. Multicultural education wants to be inculcated early in school or in society that the Indonesian nation-state is plural in nature will bring forth to an inclusive attitude and at the same time positive tolerance. This is in line with the spirit of the Qur‘an, especially in QS. Ali Imran verse 64, so that the outer phenomena of religions do not hinder efforts to go to the meeting point (kalimah sawâ ') between all of them. One attempt to find a common ground is perennial philosophy. Perennial philosophy is a concept that seeks to bring people to an awareness that God is an absolute form, the source of all forms, including the plurality of religions and religious sites. In the view of perennial philosophy, although the true "Religion" is only "One", but because it is derived in the context of a different sociological and historical spectrum, so "religion" appears in a pluralistic format. However, perennial philosophy does not want to make a universal religion or equate all religions. On the contrary, perennial philosophy recognizes all sacred traditions that exist in religions as something that comes from God that must be respected and respectful. To bridge interfaith dialogue because of the truth claim can be done through phenomenological methods. That is, a way of understanding existing religion with an appreciative-persuasive attitude, without the spirit of hatred or disbelief. This method is to avoid external attitudes that consider their religion the most correct and the religion of others must be wrong. Through this method there will also be interfaith dialogue that puts forward mutual respect for the diversity of others, without leaving their own faith.

Item Type: Other
Subjects: ?? L1 ??
Depositing User: PPS Pasca Sarjana
Date Deposited: 28 Jan 2020 07:52
Last Modified: 28 Jan 2020 07:52
URI: http://repository.radenfatah.ac.id/id/eprint/6108

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